Friday, December 13, 2013


This movie may nearly be three hours long however it's storyline advances at a pace where you lose track of time and are heavily involved within this well executed thriller. Australian talent aka The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman plays the father who has one of his daughters abducted and he attempts to take the law into his own hands as he captures a suspect until he gets the answers he wants. 

Throughout the film you are constantly guessing who the true capturer is and toss between suspects in your mind after you see what nonhuman things they have done. Jake Gyllenhaal plays detective Loki and is assigned to this case and convincingly portrays  his role which contrasts smoothly alongside Jackman's hot headed and abruptive nature in this film. 

The timespan did delay my viewing thinking that it would drag out but thankfully I was wrong and would class Prisoners as one of my favourite thrillers. Go check it out!!!! 


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