The film follows a teenage girl's suspicion that her neighbour's kid is strange and has brought in a bad vibe into her family home. This time to capture the establishing shots of the living room, bedroom and kitchen, her boyfriend uses a recording program easy to set up on each device. The other films had me guessing a little bit more than this one trying to piece together the relationship to the demon a family member had however not in this film. The footage of the abducted boy was the first thing we as a viewer see on the screen and then it goes straight to the main plot where we instantly elate the boy to the missing child. I hope I haven't spoilt..what was only to spoil but it was an editing mistake and should of been shuffled at least a bit later into the film.
However, a major disappointment was when Hunter was reunited with the demon and a group of people suddenly appear and then CUT! Pitch black, The End. Despite my major disappointment I did get a few jumps in this film, yet it wasn't enough to resurrect my hope that the movie would pan out more interesting.
However, in saying this..somehow I am interested to see the 5th instalment of the film set to be in cinemas around October this year. Why??? I really don't know why! I might have got sucked into this franchise, you know it's bad but you still wanna see it.
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