Based on the film, Hitch is painted as a cocky, determined, arrogant and at times a pig in the film industry but then again, isn't that the criteria of any successful director? Ooo and usually they smoke weed and take hallucinogens? Well, that wasn't evident in Hitchcock.. anyway moving on..
The plot is based around his struggle and shoot around Psycho and how he apparently bought every copy of the original novel so that no one knew the ending and how the movie concluded. Also exploring his ability to dodge the Hollywood Production Code of the time to incorporate a 'naked' shower scene. However the film does present a final realisation that his wife, Alma was indeed the woman behind the man and that without her, Hitchcock is a fail. The film had numerous witty lines and humour embedded and it complimented the structure of the film. The intro and conclusion, was different to typical autobiographic based movies and added a theatric feel with the 'direct to audience addressing'. None the less, I enjoyed this movie, it was watchable, didn't drag out too much but if you are looking for suspense and drama- maybe stick to the works of Hitchcock rather than this movie.
I will leave you with my favourite lines:
Hitchcock: I will never find a Hitchcock blonde as beautiful as you. Alma: Oh, Hitch. I've waited thirty years to hear you say that. Hitchcock: That, my dear, is why they call me the Master of Suspense.
and I do believe there was a one liner about 'holding the cock'
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