Thursday, May 5, 2011

The REEL thing!

So yesterday was officially a 'chill day' spent it not touching any uni work whatsoever, despite my plans to get a little bit done..
Had only one errand of the day and that was to go with Mum to get our passport interviews as I am currently in the process of getting a passport. It would have been in much more of a progressive state however the incompetent lady who took our 'passport photos' neglected to take the photo properly eve when they knew it was a passport photo... anyway I won't rant on about that. I had the opportunity to be trusted by Mum so I drove around locally so instil confidence within her so that I can get some driving hours up because I am not even a quarter of the way through gaining hours to go for my licence.

After facebooking as usual I decided to great a much long awaiting blooper reel of our day filming, 'Visitare La Nonna' which was a short film I made with some of the best friends ever. Took me about 5 hours to stitch together as I had to reupload footage. It is just bloopers and therefore it isn't cut perfect but rather a montage of our filming day. I have realised however that I need to take much more behind the scenes recording as we had hilarious discussions and moments.. such as making my friend, Amy have a big booty.

This is the video, yes we are a crazy bunch!
(if you haven't seen the short film, or would like to rewatch it, it's a couple of blogs down.)


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